The Marine Troops

The Marine Troops were a group of autonomous infantry units attached to France’s royal navy and serving indifferently at sea (per mare) and on land (et terras).

These troops were the main military force of New France at the time. Its soldiers could intervene and garrison the various settlements on the continent. They operated in almost all forts of Colonial French Louisiana from 1690 to 1761.

On the occasion of a large number of historical re-enactments across the United States of America from Fort Michilimackinac in the North and Fort de Chartres in the Center to Fort Condé de la Mobile and Fort Toulouse in the South, via, Fort St. Joseph, Fort Ouiatenon, Fort Massiac, Fort St. Jean Baptiste, Fort Niagara, Fort Ticonderoga (Carillon), St. Geneviève, and Fort St. Pierre on the Yahoo River, the flag of the Marine Troops is still often raised with pride.

Fort de Chartres, Illinois (photo Jennifer Duensing)
Artwork by Leliepvre